Tokai jazz sound bass serial numbers
Tokai jazz sound bass serial numbers

tokai jazz sound bass serial numbers

This form of serial numbering is still used today on guitars where the number is impressed into the back of the headstock. The letter stands for the month, A for January etc., the first 2 digits will be the year, 76 is 1976, 96 is 1996, the last 4 digits will be the consecutive production number for that months production, 1356 would be the 1356th guitar produced that month. It consists of a letter, A - L, followed by a 6 digit number.

tokai jazz sound bass serial numbers

There is no master list to correlate to a model number, This particular style serial number will either be on the neck plate or right into the back of the headstock. With most typical Ibanez serial numbers the first 2 digits will indicate year, or the first digit will indicate the last digit of the year, but there are also some that indicate no year at all.

tokai jazz sound bass serial numbers

Ibanez serial number can tell you two things, year of manufacture and factory of manufacture. Our opinion is always subjective of course, but we always strive to give a good honest description and indicate all details best with numerous photos you can find in the link below. For more details, please visit the link you provide below. It keeps all original minus the saddle as you can see in the pictures, but refines and fifth fine, authentic sound 'vintage jazz'. It's in very good condition and all parts have aged well. TOKAI JAZZ BASS SOUND RI '64 General condition: fantastic Tokai bass 'vintage '64 reissue Japan'. › ▀ ▀ Tokai Jazz Sound Bass Serial Numbers

Tokai jazz sound bass serial numbers